Kelly Divine

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Reviewed by admin over 13 years ago.

1 month / 30 days
0.0 /100

Kelly Divine is a porn star known for her amazing ass -- probably one of the juiciest, roundest asses on a white girl in porn. Here you'll get a large collection of original movies and pictures of her masturbating, having sex with girls, and fucking big cocks. She doesn't update her site quite as often as promised and media options are average in quality, but the overall package here is good. For her fans, signing up here should be a given.

Extremely poor

Kelly's fan will love the mix of solo, lesbian and hardcore here.

Extremely poor

Pretty average video and picture quality overall.

Extremely poor

A few formats to choose from, streaming video, zip files for galleries.

Extremely poor

About twice a month recently.


PricePeriodRebillsAdditional Info
Best Deal
$24.73 1 month / 30 daysRebills after every period
$58.73 3 months / 90 daysRebills after every period
$99.77 1 year

Payment Processors: CCBill

Concept And Introduction

Kelly Divine is a porn star famous for her big, round ass and nice tits. She's playful and fun and on this, her personal website, she shares over 100+ original movies and picture galleries--a mix of solo, lesbian and hardcore, plenty of it focused on that big beautiful ass.

Porn Talk

Kelly Divine has really gotten quite popular over the past few years. Her ass has been her ticket to fame. It's probably the biggest, roundest, most plump and bubbly I've seen on a white girl that wasn't Latina (she's Jewish, actually). It tends to take over any scene that it's in as men and even other porn stars are drawn down by its gravity to inspect, touch, rub, and enjoy it. You'll see it lubed up, fingered, filled with sex toys, licked and fucked by big cocks here.

Tech Talk

Media options aren't out of this world here. In fact, they are pretty average. You can download in WMV and MP4 formats for most movies. The WMV will have a 720x480 screen (2.5 Mbits) and the MP4s will have 420x326 screens (1 Mbits). There is some fluctuation in screen size but nothing drastic. The same goes for bit rates.

Small Talk And Personal Opinion

Kelly Divine has run a very nice site here, starting with her content. She is creative and diverse in shooting it -- bringing on different porn star girlfriends to play, doing plenty of solo work, and a lot of hardcore as well. She has even fucked some of her male fans for a handful of the movies.


Kelly Divine has a beautiful ass and her fans will have ample opportunity to worship and enjoy it here. The library was large and actively updated, the content looked sharp, even though it wasn't HD. There were a few things that she could fix or just do better, but overall this is a site that delivers for her fans.

Kelly Divine Screencaps

Kelly Divine Screencap
Kelly Divine Screencap
Kelly Divine Screencap
Kelly Divine Screencap

Sample Pics

Kelly Divine Pic
Kelly Divine Pic
Kelly Divine Pic
Kelly Divine Pic
Kelly Divine Pic