Jizz Mouth Wash

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Reviewed by admin almost 16 years ago.

1 month / 30 days
72.0 /100

The horny pornstars at Jizz Mouthwash cannot get enough cum in their mouths. Sometimes they just need to have their entire faces, and even their breasts, covered with semen. At times there are several men to help a ravenous pornstar quench her voracious cum appetite. Video quality is fine, but unfortunately, there is no model directory.


Loads of cum swallowing.


Not the highest quality but still decent.

Above average

Needs model database.

Above average

One or two a week.


PricePeriodRebillsAdditional Info
$2.95 2 daysRebills after every periodTrial, recurs at $39.95 monthly.
Best Deal
$29.95 1 month / 30 daysRebills after every period
$59.95 3 months / 90 daysRebills after every period
$89.50 1 year

Payment Processors: CCBill, EPOCH/EPOCHEU, JETTIS

Concept And Introduction

This hardcore website features pornstars swallowing mass quantities of semen. They will suck the reproductive fluid straight from the penis, drink it from glasses, or slurp it up from bowls. When the semen is not going down their throats, it is covering their faces and breasts. The camera will at one point during the episode focus on the semen in their mouths.

Porn Talk

Jizz Mouthwash creates a delightful atmosphere for all the viewers who just love seeing women eat hot loads of cum. The sexy pornstars guzzle it like it is milk or even water. There are plenty of cum facials and tit shots to supplement all the swallowing. The models are generally attractive, and a good amount of time was spent on their makeup. I find that rather odd considering that their faces are going to be bathed in cum; although, I suppose it does make the initial presentation all the more desirable.

Tech Talk

The average video runs for nearly 30 minutes, but they may be shorter or longer. Each movie has two quality categories: high speed and low speed. High speed is for viewers with fast internet connections.

Small Talk And Personal Opinion

My favorite episode involved busy brunette Lela Star. Though I did not find her overall appearance to be very pleasing, I did like her large breasts, pierced nipples, and tongue ring. I also enjoyed how she was initially hesitant to try jizz mouthwash, but at the end she was swallowing cum like the other models.


I highly recommend that viewers desiring to see some semen swallowing head on over to Jizz Mouth Wash for an extremely fun time. All of the material will be arousing for any such viewers. The gang bangs get incredibly exciting. Each woman can devour a seemingly endless supply of cum.

Jizz Mouth Wash Screencaps

Jizz Mouth Wash Screencap
Jizz Mouth Wash Screencap
Jizz Mouth Wash Screencap
Jizz Mouth Wash Screencap