Girls Gone Wild

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Reviewed by admin about 11 years ago.

1 month / 30 days
0.0 /100

Girls Gone Wild hits the streets to find the parties with all the drunk college girls. Then turns on the cameras to watch them flash their tits, kiss other girls, and have lesbian sex for the first time. There's over a thousand clips here and they add more every day, but the HD playback options are only available for the hardcore porn DVDs they include as a bonus.

Extremely poor

Coeds get drunk, show their tits, make out and have sex with each other for... Girl Gone Wild t-shirts? You can't make it up!

Extremely poor

Average quality streams for all GGW content. Bonuses come in HD.

Extremely poor

Streaming movies but no downloads for GGW content. Bonuses offer multiple formats and streaming. Site navigation is all right.

Extremely poor

A few new clips daily.


PricePeriodRebillsAdditional Info
$1.00 Rebills after every periodAutomatically renews as monthly subscription if not cancelled.
Best Deal
$29.99 1 month / 30 daysRebills after every period
$59.99 3 months / 90 daysRebills after every period
$119.88 1 year

Payment Processors: Vendo

Concept And Introduction

The world-famous Girls Gone Wild movies have moved onto the internet. This is the official site with over a thousand clips starring drunk college girls flashing, making out and having sex, plus lots of porno bonuses.

Porn Talk

Girls Gone Wild is truly ubiquitous these days and after decades of late night TV ads pimping the product, I don't think there's anyone who couldn't guess what sort of content this site has to offer.

Tech Talk

They talk about high definition movies on the tour but you won't have any Girls Gone Wild content in high def. What you get are streaming-only movies in standard resolutions (640x480) and pretty average playback quality. There's no way to download their movies permanently.

Small Talk And Personal Opinion

It's pretty simple: if you like the Girls Gone Wild tapes, the scenes of real college girls wasted and showing off their naked bodies and hooking up with their hot girlfriends and roommates, then this site is going to be a lot of fun. There are over 1,000 scenes to enjoy from a lot of their DVD releases. The quality isn't the best but that won't stop them being hot and exciting scenes for you.


If you can get past the quality issues (basically that the GGW scenes aren't in HD), then this site is a great pick for drunk college girls showing tits and experimenting with other hot girls. The site is big, active, and sure comes with a lot of bonus porn.

Girls Gone Wild Screencaps

Girls Gone Wild Screencap
Girls Gone Wild Screencap
Girls Gone Wild Screencap
Girls Gone Wild Screencap

Sample Pics

Girls Gone Wild Pic
Girls Gone Wild Pic
Girls Gone Wild Pic
Girls Gone Wild Pic
Girls Gone Wild Pic