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Reviewed by admin about 16 years ago.

1 month / 30 days
70.0 /100

Cum barrages fired at a woman’s face from multiple cocks is the focus of Cover My Face. Sometimes up to twenty-four guys will cum on the face of one girl. These women get their faces totally and absolutely covered by semen. This is a must see for any person into cum facial fetishes.


Perfect for viewers into cum facials.

Above average

Higher resolution videos would be nice.


Well organized.


Once a week isn't too bad.


PricePeriodRebillsAdditional Info
$2.95 2 daysRebills after every periodTrial, recurs at $39.95 monthly.
Best Deal
$29.95 1 month / 30 daysRebills after every period
$59.95 3 months / 90 days
$89.50 1 year

Payment Processors: Epoch, CC Bill and Jettis. Credit Card, Phone, Check.

Concept And Introduction

Extreme gang bangs and cum facials are the focuses of Cover My Face. By extreme gang bangs, I am talking about as many as twenty plus guys on one girl. Sometimes two girls are involved, which adds another face to the tons of cum. The incredibly raunchy website is home to some of the internet’s “dirtiest” material.

Porn Talk

Cover My Face is not the average hardcore porn website. There isn’t just sex between two people or even amongst three or four horny adults. No, there are as many as twenty-four guys on one girl. The website isn’t called Cover My Face without reason. The women, sometimes two at a time, leave the stage with their faces absolutely dripping with semen. Though, most of the time, the number of guys is under ten. In a few instances, there is only one guy per girl.

Tech Talk

There are no pictures on the site - except for screen captures serving as previews for the video. The videos run for about half an hour.

Small Talk And Personal Opinion

I personally think that Cover My Face website is excessive. I do enjoy seeing a good cum facial, but twenty-four cum shots at once is just insane. But, there is obviously a market for such a thing or companies wouldn’t produce it. Still, I think that anything over a ratio of three guys to one girl is a bit much.


Cover My Face delivers to its viewers videos of women getting pounded and then saturated with cum. The girls are definitely not shy, especially the ones that get fucked by twenty plus guys at once. The raunchy website is definitely geared to people with a huge cum shot fetish.

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